


CVSS v4.0, the Complete Guide

This guide packs everything you need to know about the fresh new version of CVSS. Discover how it changes the VM prioritization game and how to leverage it to strengthen your security.


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What’s all the fuss about CVSS4 about anyway🚨


Whether you’re SOC/VOC Manager, Head of Cybersecurity, VM Manager, or CISO, you’re gonna want to pay attention. 🚨

CVSS v4.0 was just released in its final specifications and it's bound to heavily impact organizations. It's a positive step in the direction of better threat prioritization and some new metrics are game-changers.


What's inside


Take a deep dive into CVSS v4.0, we'll cover:

+ what exactly CVSS v4.0 is & how it compares to previous versions

+ what new shiny toys it brings for VM pros (new Attack Requirements, System Impacts, Threat Metrics to name a few)

+ how you can use it for enhanced prioritization but still factor in its remaining limitations and caveats

+ examples showing how CVSS v4.0 compares to CVSS v3.1 on specific existing vulnerabilities



Sylvain Cortes

VP Strategy 
17X Microsoft MVP

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