



How to Cool the Coming CISO Exodus

Uncover the challenges CISOs face and the steps you can take to support them, secure your organization, and prevent an industry exodus in this free guide.


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Fragmented teams, too many tools, exploding vulnerabilities, and 3 a.m. breaches on a Saturday... Who's surprised an industry exodus is coming? Not Gartner, who’s reporting that nearly half of cybersec leaders will find another job by 2025 – and 25% will kiss their field goodbye entirely. The castle is not well defended if your army leadership quits.

What you'll learn


If you’re a CISO, you already live it. This guide is not for you, though feel free to share it with your CEO, CFO, Board, or anyone who needs a nudge to help make your life easier. In this guide, Skyler will cover:

+ A reality check on the trillion-dollar cybercrime industry your org’s up against. 

+ Snapshot case studies of the companies that said: “We’ll get to that later.” 

+ The VM investment required to avoid losing a quarter of their security team.  



What's inside



Just how much does cybercrime pay?


Chapter 2 | Oops…

Cyberattacks cost these companies a pretty penny.


Chapter 3 | Fix it.

Your future cyberdefense starts with today’s team.




Skyler Schmanski

VP Marketing & Co-creator of the #1 cyber podcast 

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One vulnerability management solution, bringing clarity to your cyber vulnerability chaos.