


Mature VM: 
Orchestration of Vulnerability
and Risk Management

This guide packs everything you need to know to move your VM to the next level as we explore VM maturity and how Cyber CMDB helps organizations better prioritize and assess their true risk.


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Get your VM dots in a row🚨


Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-growing volume of vulnerabilities? Struggling to prioritize the most critical threats? You're not alone. Time for a dose of VM clarity from 17x Microsoft MVP Sylvain Cortes.  


What's inside


Take a deep dive into VM with advanced strategies to start orchestrating your VM programs. You'll notably discover:

+ The four levels of VM Maturity and how to move your organization to the next level

+ The growing role of the cyber CMDB in leading cyber teams

+ How you can rebuild the asset inventory without needing to add any additional on-machine tracker

+ How to take a comprehensive risk assessment approach that spans far beyond the current standard CVSS score



Sylvain Cortes

VP Strategy 
17X Microsoft MVP

Take your security to the next level

One vulnerability management solution, bringing clarity to your cyber vulnerability chaos.